Thursday, December 12, 2013

Blog Entry 13

Zulimar Carpio
Eng. 102

our readings and films this semester have been full of creatures that are simply not human. God’s, demons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and more run through the pages of our collective world literature. My essays reflect on the possible reasons as to why humans continue to produce literature of the supernatural. I’ve always believed that supernatural is just as real as the real world only its descised differently to catch the viewer’s eyes in a different perspective. With common resources that we've learned throughout the semester and from the movie we last watch ''Miyazaki's Spirited Away'' I will be sharing my opinions as to why humans continue to produce literature from using supernatural theories.

In the movie Spirited Away Miyazaki is a young girl who ends up in a spiritual world full of all types of spirits and monsters. In this world Miyazaki’s parents are transformed into pigs after eating the food of the spirits. Miyazaki’s than has to try to rescue her parents from being eating by the spirits so her only choice is to become a servant and work in this spiritual retreat. Miyazaki accepts this job position and later in the movie eventually she learns about respect, and discipline. The thesis in this movie is how Miyazaki starts off rude no discipline, so the spirits put her through harsh punishment and while she tries to rescue her parents she’s bettering herself and proving to the spirits that she is good , she does have discipline and she is strong enough to be capable of saving her parents. This brings me to the reason why I believe humans continue to use supernatural stories they continue to use these stories to be able to create imagination while still having a moral to these stories. Supernatural is a way of us humans to break free from the real world and experience creativity in our minds it’s like an eye opener in a way because for some people it’s not always easy to understand the moral of a situation. So maybe it works better for those types of people to break away from the real world and open up their imagination which allows them to understand more compared to just seeing or reading a regular book with the moral boring and just there. Supernatural is a fun different way for us readers or viewers to understand the moral of a story with the sense of weirdness and excitement behind it. Everyone is different when it comes to how people see and view things. So I believe supernatural stories are another reason for people to use their imagination and open up their minds to what they believe the moral of the story could be. In all do reality there’s never one moral in a story even if it’s based specifically on a listen to be learned and why is that because everybody has their own perspective on what they believe is the listen of the story.

This brings me to my conclusion.  There’s millions of reasons why supernatural stories are being used today to teach use morals values or to bring out our imagination. Many reasons such as creativity, imagination, excitement, entertainment and much more. But over all I think everybody can agree that supernatural is way more interesting than your regular typical real life based stories. It gives us a sense of excitement and usually has more passion compared to typical stories. I believe humans continue to use supernatural literature because it keeps us young, and feeds us good values hidden behind these supernatural based stories but it’s like puzzle it’s up to us to figure out what’s the message behind all these supernatural stories. This again makes it more intriguing.